Search by Keyword
- Employers can now dismiss employees who refuse to get the covid-19 vaccine!
- What You Need To Know As A Subcontractor During Covid-19
- Can my employer force me to get a Covid-19 vaccine?
- Covid-19 and Wills
- Retrenchment and Covid-19
- Can I legally get married during the lockdown period?
- You can now purchase necessary hardware and automobile repair equipment
- Lockdown: what does it entail for me as landlord or tenant?
- Impossibility to perform due to COVID-19
- Contact rights and Covid-19
- Motor vehicle licenses renewed during COVID-19
- Public transport regulations during lock-down
- A Summary of the President’s latest measures to combat Covid-19
- Public Notices: Sale of Liquor - List of offences and Penalties
Commercial Law
- Body Corporate Rule Contravention: Can the Levy Clearance Certificate be withheld?
- What happens to my company shares after I die? The importance of buy and sell agreements
- Is a restraint of trade enforceable after the sale of a business?
- Tips on wills and succession planning for business owners
- Is a restraint of trade still enforceable? PODCAST
- Options v Rights of first refusal
- Rent due: a creditors nightmare
- The duties and liabilities of company directors
- When is payment of my commission due and payable to me by my employer?
- What does “Offer + Acceptance = a Contract” mean?
- When must VAT, transfer duty and capital gains tax be paid to SARS on the sale of immovable property?
- I would like to buy a business. Should I buy the shares of the company owning the business or rather the business itself?
- Is kapitaalwinsbelasting by die afsterwe van die eienaar van kapitale bates betaalbaar?
- What is the effect of a suspensive condition in an agreement of sale?
- What is a 'rouwkoop' clause?
- Wat is die relevansie van artikel 34 van die Insolvensiewet by die verkoop van ‘n eiendom wat ‘n inkomste verdien?
- Should the seller insist on a surety from the representative of a company, close corporation or trust?
- Can a contract be signed on behalf of a company or a close corporation still to be registered?
- Wie is die redelike man?
- What does the Consumer Protection Act provide for?
- Waar kan ‘n verbruiker kla?
- Is ‘n versekeringsmaatskappy verplig om ‘n lewenspolis uit te betaal waar die oorledene onder die invloed van drank bestuur het en in ‘n motorongeluk gedood is?
- Will the members of a close corporation be personally liable where it is deregistered?
- When must close corporations or companies lodge annual returns?
- What is the difference between a close corporation, a company and a trust?
- Watter beskerming bied die Maatskappyewet vir minderheidsaandeelhouers?
- Can a sharholder force the company to provide him with the company’s books of account?
- Kan ‘n lid persoonlik aanspreeklik gehou word waar hy ‘n BK bedrieglike bestuur ?
- Wat beteken die beginsel dat die herstel van besit by 'n grondeis ekonomies vatbaar moet wees?
- Wat bepaal die die Wet op die Finansiële Intelligensiesentrum 2001, Wet 38 van 2001?
- Show Remaining Articles15 Collapse Articles
Constitutional Law
- Snap with Caution: Navigating the Legal Pitfalls of Digital Photography and Videography
- Invalid contract? You can still get payment!
- Can the government intercept my communications?
- Religious freedom v prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation; which right outweighs the other?
- ESTA and occupiers rights to historical family graveyards
- Children expelled from private school after parent’s improper behaviour at school event
- A revisit of section 12(3) of the Prescription Act by the Constitutional Court
- Hate speech - beware
- What types of cases are heard by the Constitutional Court?
- May I intercept your communication?
- Wat kan u kind skool toe aantrek?
Criminal Law
- What To Do During a Roadblock
- Should your AARTO infringement notice be served on you personally?
- Employer’s Vicarious Liability For Criminal Conduct Of An Employee
- Can an alcohol test be taken after two hours?
- Can the Department of Education be held liable for a teacher sexually assaulting a learner?
- Stolen items gets one person fired, but no one else involved was (PODCAST)
- If residents are attacked in a security estate, can they sue the HOA or the security company?
- SAPS national instruction on trespassing, squatting and other violations of acts governing and controlling land ownership
- Wie is die redelike man?
- 'n Nag in die selle - wat is jou regte?
Debt collection
- Credit Bureau listings against your name? Here's what to do!
- Are you sure you haven’t bound yourself as surety?
- Payslips or bank statements no longer necessary when applying for credit
- What does the National Credit Act stipulate?
- When does interest on a debt start running and at what rate?
- When are you bound by a suretyship contained in a credit application form?
- What steps are taken to collect debt?
- Watter regstappe kan geneem word om skulde te vorder?
- Wat is ‘n vrywillige distribusie?
- Wat is ‘n administrasiebevel?
- Tips for debt collections
- The In Duplum Rule - How much interest can I recover from a debtor?
- Kan ‘n verhuurder op ‘n derde party se bates op die huurperseel beslag lê vir agterstallige huur?
- How does the in duplum rule limit interest?
- How do I remove a judgment listed against me with one of the credit bureaus?
- How can I improve my credit control?
- Can both spouses be held liable for debts in respect of household necessities with a marriage out of community of property?
- Can a debtor's house be sold by another creditor where a bank has registered a bond over the property?
- Can a creditor or his attorney be forced to accept a pay-off agreement in respect of an outstanding debt?
- Show Remaining Articles4 Collapse Articles
Family law
- DIVORCE: spouse hiding assets in Companies or Trusts? What to do.
- Men Are Also Entitled To The Same Maternity Leave Benefits
- Can an extra-marital lover of an unfaithful spouse claim maintenance?
- Maintaining Your Standard of Living After Divorce: The Truth About Spousal Maintenance
- Why divorcing without an attorney is a bad idea
- Settlement agreements and freedom of testation – what you need to know
- Divorce vs Separation – what’s the difference?
- I am married in community of property. Can I sign a separate will?
- Antenuptial Contracts And How They Are Executed
- When will the Department of Social Development remove a child from his/her home?
- Don’t wait too long before enforcing your claim for the division of a joint estate in the case of a divorce. You might otherwise lose it!
- Is your customary marriage registered?
- Understanding customary marriages
- Sperm donor wants access to his biological son
- Does a customary marriage automatically dissolve if parties walk away? - Monyepao v Ledwaba and Others (1368/18) 2020 ZA
- I want to emigrate with my child - can my ex refuse consent?
- What are the rights and responsibilities of the unmarried father?
- How to increase or decrease your child’s maintenance payment
- What's in a name?
- How do I increase or decrease my child’s maintenance payments?
- Can the father of a child, born out of wedlock, insist on his name being added to the birth certificate?
- No more “divorce debt” says the Government Employee’s Pension Fund
- 17 interesting facts and tips on marriage contracts
- Wat sou die posisie wees indien hy wel ‘n testament gehad het wat voor die egskeidingsbevel verly is en waarin sy vrou nog die enigste erfgenaam is en hy kom drie weke na die egskeidingsbevel tot sterwe. Sal sy dan kan erf?
- Evolution of customary marriages
- How can I get the contact details of the father of my child, who fails to pay maintenance? Can I "blacklist" him?
- Can the mother claim maintenance for herself while she is pregnant and maintenance for an unborn child?
- Clean-break principle and the The Government Employees Pension Fund (the GEPF)
- Grandparents’ right to a relationship with their grandchildren
- Spousal Maintenance: A Discretion - Not A Right
- Do both spouses have to sign a contract for the sale of land where they entered into a customary marriage?
- At what date is the accrual determined in divorce matters?
- Guidelines for surrogacy applications
- Watter remedies het ek vir agterstallige onderhoud?
- Hoe word die bedrag onderhoud betaalbaar bepaal?
- In watter hof word onderhoudsaansoeke aangehoor?
- Wanneer kom 'n onderhoudsplig tot 'n einde?
- Wie het 'n onderhoudsplig?
- Do both spouses have to sign a suretyship where they are married in community of property?
- Is a contract of sale of land signed by only one spouse married in community of property valid?
- Kan ‘n gade nog die voordeel van ‘n huwelik binne gemeenskap van goedere geniet indien ‘n egskeidingsaksie aanhangig gemaak was voor datum van dood?
- Wie behoort ek as voogde vir my minderjarige kinders te benoem?
- I am divorced. Can I appoint guardians for my minor children thereby excluding my former spouse?
- Ek is geskei. Kan ek voogde benoem tot uitsluiting van my voormalige gade?
- Ek is buite gemeenskap van goedere met die aanwas bedeling getroud. Hoe beïnvloed die aanwasbedeling die opstel van my testament?
- Ek is binne gemeenskap van goedere getroud. Val die langslewende gade se bates ook in die bestorwe boedel?
- When can a custodian parent remove a minor from RSA after the divorce?
- What should be considered when choosing a marital regime in a marriage contract?
- What is the position of a spouse’s pension in the case of a divorce?
- What is a marriage out of community of property with the accrual system?
- What are the rights of the natural father of a child born out of wedlock?
- What are grounds for divorce in South Africa?
- Watter regsreëls geld by voogdyskap oor kinders en het 'n voog die reg om 'n plaasvervangende voog aan te wys?
- Wat moet oorweeg word wanneer 'n huweliksgoederebedeling gekies word?
- Wat gedoen met onroerende goed by egskeidings?
- Wat bepaal die Wet op Voorkoming van Gesinsgeweld?
- Is there a duty on children to maintain their parents?
- Is die vader ook ‘n voog van ‘n buite-egtelike kind?
- Is a wife required to take her husband’s last name?
- How old must a person be to get married?
- How is a maintenance claim calculated?
- Het kinders 'n regsplig om hulle ouers te onderhou?
- Do grandparents have to support their grandchildren?
- Show Remaining Articles48 Collapse Articles
Intellectual Property Law
Labour Law
- Can My Employer Force Me to Take a Lie Detector Test?
- Changes to South Africa's retirement fund system you need to know
- Men Are Also Entitled To The Same Maternity Leave Benefits
- Can an employer use scab labour in response to a strike?
- Employer’s Vicarious Liability For Criminal Conduct Of An Employee
- Legislature takes a step in the right direction to protect the rights of domestic workers.
- Unfair Dismissals in South Africa: Lessons Learned in Court
- Gardening Leave: The Pros and Cons for Employers and Employees
- Is a restraint of trade enforceable after the sale of a business?
- Is a 4-day work week feasible in South Africa?
- Can an employee unilaterally withdraw his or her resignation?
- Moonlighting Or Side Hustles In South Africa
- Employers can now dismiss employees who refuse to get the covid-19 vaccine!
- Can the employer dismiss an employee for refusing to testify?
- What You Need To Know As A Subcontractor During Covid-19
- What every employer and employee should know about unfair dismissal
- Stolen items gets one person fired, but no one else involved was (PODCAST)
- Can my employer force me to get a Covid-19 vaccine?
- Can an employee be dismissed over threatening Facebook posts degrading their employer?
- Can I dismiss my employee for refusing to sign a new contract?
- Are you entitled to severance pay where you have been retrenched after your retirement age?
- Do domestic workers and gardeners have the same rights as other employees?
- Retrenchment and Covid-19
- Is a restraint of trade still enforceable? PODCAST
- Labour Appeal Court Rules That Depression Is Not An Excuse For Employee’s Misconduct
- Practical Tips for CCMA Cases
- National minimum wage
- Duty of employers to prevent sexual harassment at the workplace
- No Fidelity Fund certificate: no commission & no valid contract
- Constitutional Court seals the fate of labour brokers
- Basic guidelines to unfair dismissal
- Basic guidelines to unfair dismissal
- When is payment of my commission due and payable to me by my employer?
- Kan ‘n werknemer ontslaan word deur sy werkgewer omdat hy in ‘n homoseksuele verhouding betrokke is?
- Can employers arrange HIV-tests for their employees?
- Show Remaining Articles20 Collapse Articles
Law of contract
- Invalid contract? You can still get payment!
- Can A Private Party Terminate an Agreement to Supply Electricity to A Community?
- A municipality’s obligation to provide temporary accommodation to evictees.
- Does a purchaser have rights against a voetstoots clause?
- Secure Your Love: The Importance of Drafting a Cohabitation Agreement for Unmarried Couples
- Is it worth paying an Attorney to draft a Contract?
- What happens to my company shares after I die? The importance of buy and sell agreements
- Settlement agreements and freedom of testation – what you need to know
- Are landlords obliged to provide backup power during loadshedding?
- Can an employee unilaterally withdraw his or her resignation?
- Moonlighting Or Side Hustles In South Africa
- Can I cancel an agreement by email?
- What every employer and employee should know about unfair dismissal
- Be careful of signing suretyship (PODCAST)
- Can I dismiss my employee for refusing to sign a new contract?
- Is a restraint of trade still enforceable? PODCAST
- Options v Rights of first refusal
- Labour Appeal Court Rules That Depression Is Not An Excuse For Employee’s Misconduct
- Can I sign my sale agreement with DocuSign?
- 17 interesting facts and tips on sale of land agreements
- 17 interesting facts and tips on marriage contracts
- Wat is ‘n domicilium adres?
- A voetstoots clause and a leaking roof
- What mistakes are often made with filling in contracts of sale of the property?
- What is the effect of a suspensive condition in an agreement of sale?
- What is a 'rouwkoop' clause?
- What does the doctrine of fictional fulfilment mean for the purchaser who fails to obtain a bond?
- What does real rights of extension in a sectional title scheme entail?
- What are the most important legal principles in respect of suspensive conditions?
- Wat is 'n rouwkoop?
- Wat gebeur as die koper of verkoper voor registrasie van die oordrag tot sterwe kom?
- Wanneer kan die verkoper die kontrak kanselleer waar die koper versuim om die koopprys te betaal?
- Kan ‘n koper kan afstand doen van ‘n opskortende voorwaarde ten opsigte van ‘n lening?
- Is agentekommissie voorgeskryf of slegs ‘n riglyn, m.a.w. mag die agent meer vra as wat voorgeskryf word? Kan dit ‘n kontrak ongeldig maak?
- Is a standard form contract of sale not completed throughly valid?
- Is a contract of sale signed by a trustee acting without authority valid?
- Double sales: who wins?
- Does the “voetstoots” clause cover latent defects that the seller was aware of?
- Do I always have to use the title deed description of the property in the contract?
- Can blank pages in a contract lead to its invalidity?
- Can a purchaser renounce the benefit of a suspensive condition that a loan must be obtained before a certain date?
- Can a contract be signed on behalf of a trust still to be registered?
- Can a contract be signed on behalf of a company or a close corporation still to be registered?
- When can the landlord charge interest on arrear rental and at what rate?
- When can the landlord cancel a contract of lease?
- What is the effect of a “voetstoots clause” in a contract of sale?
- Is an oral agreement of lease valid?
- Show Remaining Articles32 Collapse Articles
Law of delict
- Navigating Consumer Rights: Remedies for Defective Motor Vehicles
- Virtual Commissioning of Affidavits
- E-Mail Interception – Who Bears the Consequences?
- A municipality’s obligation to provide temporary accommodation to evictees.
- Injuries at the gym – can I sue?
- Squatter rights - is the municipality entitled to demolish informal settlements?
- Is a landlord obliged to provide alternative accommodation when evicting someone?
- Can I claim my medical aid expenses from the Road Accident Fund?
- Can the State be held liable for a 5-year-old child injured whilst playing in a jungle gym at pre-school?
- Much needed relief for parents buying school uniforms
- SLAPP defence: David beats Goliath
- Will trusts for incapacitated persons cease to exist?
- Stuntwoman severely injured on motorbike when boom does not lift, sues film company and RAF (PODCAST)
- Defective motor vehicle and the Consumer Protection Act
- Can I consent to my own injuries?
- Is your customary marriage registered?
- Can you evict adult non-dependant children from a farm?
- Expired firearm licence update
- Strict liability attaches to the owner for the behaviour of their animal.
- Can organs of state be defamed?
- Who is liable for damages suffered on school premises?
- Medical Negligence
- Action De Pauperie - dog owners beware, no fault is required for liability
- The sad truth about the drowning of a minor
- Actio de Feris and the defence of provocation: Van der Westhuzen v Burger
- Dog owners beware: litigation bites too!
- Wat is 'n Anton Piller-bevel?
- When can the SAPS be sued for damages suffered by crime victims?
- When can I be held liable for someone hurt while using the steps of my building?
- What rights does my neighbour have? What does it mean to have the right to unimpeded enjoyment of your land?
- Wat is die belangrikste regsbeginsels ten opsigte van die aanspreeklikheid van beheerliggame en openbare skole?
- Wat het die hof ten opsigte van laster bevind in die bekende hofsaak tussen Delta Motorkorporasie (Edms) Bpk en Jaco van der Merwe?
- Kan ek uitkontrakteur uit my eie nalatigheid?
- Do I have a duty to make my building safe?
- Kan ‘n verhuurder op ‘n derde party se bates op die huurperseel beslag lê vir agterstallige huur?
- Show Remaining Articles20 Collapse Articles
Mining and Environmental Law
Property Law
- Who Gets to Appoint the Conveyancer?
- Is VAT payable when I sell my property?
- What are my rights if the buyer refuses to sign the transfer documents?
- When does a right of way prescribe?
- Property transfer: How long should a transfer take to register, six weeks or six months?
- Clearance certificates - how much can the municipality recover?
- No water due to my neighbour’s borehole – what are my rights?
- Property obtained deceitfully – can I keep it?
- What is a private bond?
- Is agent commission prescribed or only a guideline, i.e. may the agent charge more than prescribed? Can this invalidate a contract?
- How are estate agents also involved in the Transfer Duty Act?
- Stop That Builder! Neighbours Building Without Approved Building Plans – What are my options ?
- Implied Servitudes in Sectional Title Schemes
- Can a HOA take over the provision of municipal services?
- A municipality’s obligation to provide temporary accommodation to evictees.
- Does a purchaser have rights against a voetstoots clause?
- How To Sell A Portion Of Your Farm
- Body Corporate Rule Contravention: Can the Levy Clearance Certificate be withheld?
- Squatter rights - is the municipality entitled to demolish informal settlements?
- Are landlords obliged to provide backup power during loadshedding?
- Can the municipality cut your power due to your landlord’s debt?
- Fake clearance certificate: Is the transaction still valid?
- Can body corporates reduce levy figures?
- Beware when purchasing a property at a sale of execution
- Why does the seller have to pay clearance figures before the transfer of fixed property?
- Can you evict adult non-dependant children from a farm?
- Electronic signing of bond documents – good or bad?
- Why should you take note of the municipal valuation roll?
- Options v Rights of first refusal
- Can I sign my sale agreement with DocuSign?
- Owner, can you move “shop” to your house?
- How to object against the municipal valuation of my property?
- How old may the electrical certificate of compliance be?
- When will the bank deduct the first mortgage bond instalment from the purchaser’s bank account?
- What does the seller have to do in respect of the municipal account after the registration of the property in the purchaser’s name?
- Will I have to pay VAT on the sale of my property?
- When can I as purchaser take occupation of the property?
- Must the electrical certificate of compliance also cover our electric fence?
- Who must obtain the electrical certificate of compliance?
- How long does it take to get permission from the bank to proceed with the registration of my mortgage bond?
- I do not have the funds available to pay the municipal clearance figures. What can I do?
- Why do I have to pay cancellation costs for the cancellation of my existing mortgage bond?
- Who qualifies for a government subsidy for the purchase of property, also referred to as FLISP?
- Do I have to take out life insurance cover for my mortgage loan?
- What if there is a shortfall on the seller’s finances? In other words, there is not enough money available to cover the outstanding balance on the existing mortgage loan of the seller?
- How much money will I as seller receive?
- Will the transferring attorneys invest the money that I pay into the trust account so that I earn interest?
- My agreement of sale stipulates that I must deliver bank guarantees for the purchase price. How do I do that?
- What happens if the bank does not timeously approve the purchaser’s loan application?
- Can I get a discount on the bond registration costs?
- When are the transfer and bond costs payable?
- Can I make a further loan to pay the transfer or bond costs or to pay the deposit required by the bank which granted me a loan for the purchase price?
- Can the bank withdraw my loan after granting it and before the mortgage bond is registered?
- Can I buy and sell a property at the same time? Can I use the proceeds of my sale of one property to buy another property?
- How much are the transfer and bond costs?
- What is the difference between transfer costs and transfer duty?
- How long does the transfer of a fixed property take?
- Owner, where is your title?
- Estate agencies being sued under section 54 of the Consumer Protection Act
- Should I purchase the Shares or the Property?
- Relocation of farm workers
- 17 interesting facts and tips on sale of land agreements
- What clearance certificates have to be obtained where a farm is sold and transferred?
- How does the Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act, 70 of 1970 affect the sale of land?
- No transfer duty on movables: save R560’ on a transaction of R4m
- Property Practitioners Bill
- Delayed gratification - suspension of an eviction order
- Liability of the Registrar of Deeds for negligent transfer of immovable property
- Can I be held liable for a fire that spreads beyond my property?
- Three transfers cost less than one – you must be joking!
- Can I be held liable for a fire that spread beyond my property?
- When will the voetstoots clause save the seller?
- I want to sell my property, but the homeowners association is dysfunctional?
- Do both spouses have to sign a contract for the sale of land where they entered into a customary marriage?
- How do I deal with a dysfunctional home owners association when I need its consent for the transfer of a property?
- Do both spouses have to sign a contract for the sale of land where they are married in community of property?
- Is a contract of sale of land signed by the parties without any witnesses valid?
- Does the other party have to sign again where I make small changes before signing a contract of sale?
- What happens if the purchaser or the seller pass away before the registration of the transfer of the property?
- Sale of property and the National Credit Act
- Good news for HOA's
- Does the municipality lose its rights to recover debts after a transfer has been registered?
- Hoe werk ‘n vruggebruik by plase?
- Kan 'n eiendom, wat deur bedrog bekom is, behou word?
- When is VAT payable on the sale of a fixed property?
- When does the purchaser have to pay VAT to the seller on the sale of property?
- When are fixtures and fittings part of the house sold?
- What percentage commission can an estate agent charge?
- What mistakes are often made with filling in contracts of sale of the property?
- What does the doctrine of fictional fulfilment mean for the purchaser who fails to obtain a bond?
- What does real rights of extension in a sectional title scheme entail?
- What does huur gaat voor koop mean?
- What are the steps to sell subdivided agricultural land?
- What are the most common methods of ensuring that the purchase price is paid upon registration of the transfer of the property?
- Wat kan ek doen as ek geen water het nie as gevolge van my buurman se boorgat?
- Wat is 'n privaat verband?
- Wat gebeur as die koper of verkoper voor registrasie van die oordrag tot sterwe kom?
- Wat doen ek as ‘n koper weier om die oordragdokumente te teken?
- Wanneer verjaar ‘n reg op ‘n deurgangspad?
- Wanneer kan die verkoper die kontrak kanselleer waar die koper versuim om die koopprys te betaal?
- Wanneer is BTW betaalbaar ten opsigte van die verkoop van ‘n eiendom?
- Uitklaringsertifikate - hoeveel kan die munisipaliteit verhaal?
- Kan ‘n koper kan afstand doen van ‘n opskortende voorwaarde ten opsigte van ‘n lening?
- Is agentekommissie voorgeskryf of slegs ‘n riglyn, m.a.w. mag die agent meer vra as wat voorgeskryf word? Kan dit ‘n kontrak ongeldig maak?
- Is a standard form contract of sale not completed throughly valid?
- Hoe word eiendomsagente ook nou betrek by die Wet op Hereregte?
- Eiendomsoordrag: Hoe lank behoort ‘n transport te neem om te registreer, ses weke of ses maande?
- Hoe werk koppel transaksies?
- Eiendoms oordrag: Hoe lank behoort ‘n transport te neem om te registreer, 6 weke of 6 maande?
- Double sales: who wins?
- Does a servitude lapse partially through prescription where only a part thereof is used?
- Do I always have to use the title deed description of the property in the contract?
- Die koper kry nie ‘n lening nie. Is daar ‘n plan B?
- Can a purchaser renounce the benefit of a suspensive condition that a loan must be obtained before a certain date?
- Can a property subject to a usufruct be sold?
- Is an oral agreement of lease valid?
- Show Remaining Articles101 Collapse Articles
Sport Law
- Can injuries sustained on the sports field give rise to liability?
- Eugenie Bouchard Reaches Settlement With USTA In Lawsuit Over US Open Fall
- Football transfers and the role of agents in a transfer
- What does a sport lawyer do?
- We are proud to announce our association with INSEA™!
- Aanspreeklikheid van Onderwyser Afrigters
Civil Litigation
- R4 Million in Damages for Revenge Porn!
- Snap with Caution: Navigating the Legal Pitfalls of Digital Photography and Videography
- Invalid contract? You can still get payment!
- Are banks liable if they fail to monitor fraudulent bank accounts?
- HOA’s – Always follow fair procedure!
- Farmer held liable for car accident caused by calf
- Virtual Commissioning of Affidavits
- Everything you need to know about claims against the RAF
- Unfair Dismissals in South Africa: Lessons Learned in Court
- Can I claim my medical aid expenses from the Road Accident Fund?
- SLAPP defence: David beats Goliath
- Adjudicators and Ombuds who can help you with your complaints
- Retrospective application of section 4(3) of the South African citizenship act
- Wat is ‘n domicilium adres?
- What types of cases are heard by the Constitutional Court?
- What are South Africa’s various courts?
- Is internetdobbelary wettig waar die besigheid vanuit Swaziland bedryf word?
- Show Remaining Articles2 Collapse Articles
Wills, Trusts and Estates
- Court case: Aneurysm or old age does not invalidate a Will
- Can an extra-marital lover of an unfaithful spouse claim maintenance?
- Not everyone should have a Family Trust, but everyone should have a Will
- High Court Decides Grandson is Rightful Heir to Grandfather's Inheritance
- What happens to my company shares after I die? The importance of buy and sell agreements
- Do I have to register my will somewhere?
- I am married in community of property. Can I sign a separate will?
- Antenuptial Contracts And How They Are Executed
- How do I make sure that my business can carry on smoothly after I have passed away?
- Will trusts for incapacitated persons cease to exist?
- Tips on wills and succession planning for business owners
- Do children have to inherit the debts of their parents? Can I draft my own will? (PODCAST)
- 7 interesting facts and tips on trusts and other matters related to wills and deceased estates
- Alzheimer Disease and Wills
- Covid-19 and Wills
- Can a person suffering from Alzheimer's disease sign a valid will?
- Rights of beneficiaries of a discretionary trust
- Can partners in a permanent opposite-sex life partnership inherit from each other?
- 5 interesting facts and tips on trusts and other matters related to wills and deceased estates
- Legal tips for life partners
- The independent trustee is not a rubber stamp
- The removal of trustees
- Do spouses, married in community of property, have to sign a joint will?
- 10 interesting facts and tips on living wills and other matters related to wills and deceased estates
- 10 interesting facts and tips on firearms and other matters related to wills and deceased estates
- 12 interesting facts and tips on Estate Duty and other matters related to wills and deceased estates
- 10 interesting facts and tips on Alzheimer and other matters related to wills and deceased estates
- Die oorledene kom tot sterwe sonder ‘n testament en laat ‘n vrou en drie kinders agter. Sal die vrou alleen erf?
- Die testateur is geestesongesteld maar belewe ‘n helder oomblik en verly gedurende hierdie helder oomblik ‘n testament. Is die testament geldig?
- Wat is ‘n lewende testament?
- Ek is binne gemeenskap van goedere getroud. Val die langslewende gade se bates ook in die bestorwe boedel?
- Moet ek ‘n afsonderlike testament vir buitelandse bates verly?
- How can estate duty be saved?
- Can I appoint replacing trustees for my family trust in my will?
- Wat sou die posisie wees indien hy wel ‘n testament gehad het wat voor die egskeidingsbevel verly is en waarin sy vrou nog die enigste erfgenaam is en hy kom drie weke na die egskeidingsbevel tot sterwe. Sal sy dan kan erf?
- My son runs a very risky business. How can I ensure that his inheritance does not fall into his insolvent estate should he be insolvent on date of my death?
- Wanneer lei onbehoorlike beïnvloeding tot die ongeldigheid van ’n testamente?
- Kan kontanterfporsies aan minderjarige erfgename uitbetaal word?
- Can I rule from the grave in my will?
- Q & A Testaments with Volker Krüger
- Is a partner in a same sex relationship still entitled to benefit from the intestate testate of his/her deceased partner?
- Watter dokumente en inligting het ek nodig om 'n bestorwe boedel aan te meld? Watter dokumente moet ek saam met my testament bêre?
- Wat is die pligte van trustees?
- Hoe in my testament gemaak met my kinders uit my eerste huwelik?
- Do I need an independent trustee for my family trust?
- What is a living will?
- Wanneer lei onbehoorlike beïnvloeding tot die ongeldigheid van 'n testamente
- Kan ʼn huwelikskontrak ook ʼn testamentêre bepaling daarstel?
- Wanneer kan ʼn eksekuteur van sy amp onthef word?
- Kan die langslewende gade haar adiasie van die gesamentlike testament, wat vir boedelsamesmelting voorsiening maak, terugtrek?
- Die oorledene het vergeet om die polisbenoeming te verander ten spyte van 'n ooreenkoms dat hy dit sou doen. Wat nou?
- Val die eiendom, wat volgens die testament, waarvolgens dit geërf is, uitgesluit is van die huwelik binne gemeenskap van goedere, in die insolvente gemeenskaplike boedel?
- Is 'n testamentêre bepaling vir studiebeurse gekoppel aan 'n rassistiese voorwaarde afdwingbaar?
- Do you have a will? When last did you update your will?
- Hoe kan ek seker maak dat my kinders erf en my vrou ook versorg is?
- Wanneer moet ek my testament hersien?
- Ek bemaak my plaas aan my seun in my testament. Wat word van die bemaking as ek intussen die plaas verkoop en tot sterwe kom sonder om die testament te wysig?
- Can a minor child execute a will?
- Kan ‘n minderjarige kind 'n testament verly?
- Kan jou erfporsie verdeel word onder jou skuldeisers?
- Wanneer moet skenkings aan erfgename ingebring word?
- Kan ‘n gade nog die voordeel van ‘n huwelik binne gemeenskap van goedere geniet indien ‘n egskeidingsaksie aanhangig gemaak was voor datum van dood?
- Die oorledene kom tot sterwe sonder ‘n testament en laat ‘n vrou en drie kinders agter. Sal die vrou alleen erf?
- Betaal ‘n lewenspolis uit waar die oorledene dronk bestuur het en in ‘n motorongeluk gesterf het?
- Kan ‘n gade intestaat erf indien ‘n egskeidingsaksie aanhangig gemaak is?
- Die testateur is geestesongesteld maar belewe ‘n helder oomblik en verly gedurende hierdie helder oomblik ‘n testament. Is die testament geldig?
- Die testatrise is ‘n 15 jarige dogter wat ‘n testament laat opstel en dit behoorlik saam met twee getuies in mekaar se teenwoordigheid teken. Is die testament geldig?
- Kan ‘n persoon wat nie kan lees of skryf nie ‘n testament verly?
- Die oorledene was binne gemeenskap van goedere getroud met sy eggenote. Hy kom te sterwe. Val haar halwe aandeel van die gemeenskaplike boedel ook in die bestorwe boedel?
- Wat is die voorgeskrewe eksekuteursvergoeding vir die bereddering van 'n bestorwe boedel?
- Die oorledene bepaal in sy testament dat sy mediese dokter die masjiene moet afskakel sodat hy te sterwe kan kom waar hy breindood is en slegs deur die masjiene aan die lewe gehou word. Is sodanige bepaling geldig?
- Kan ek my plaas aan my seun bemaak op die voorwaarde dat dit daarna na my kleinseun gaan?
- Is kapitaalwinsbelasting by die afsterwe van die eienaar van kapitale bates betaalbaar?
- Teen watter koers word boedelbelasting op bestorwe boedels gehef?
- Die oorledene skryf in sy testament voor dat sy seun sy erfporsie sou verbeur as hy ‘n persoon sou trou wat nie die Joodse geloof volg nie. Is hierdie voorwaarde geldig?
- Is 'n testamentêre voorwaarde dat ’n erfgenaam nie weer mag trou nie geldig?
- Kan ek voorskrifte oor my vrou se leefwyse na my afsterwe in my testament maak?
- In ‘n gesamentlike testament benoem die testateur en testatrise die langslewende as eksekuteur. Albei het nog nooit bestorwe boedels beredder nie en het geen regsagtergrond nie. Is die bepaling geldig?
- Kan ek ‘n persoon anders as die natuurlike vader as voog in my testament benoem?
- Wanneer kan ‘n eksekuteur van sy amp onthef word?
- Waaruit word die boedelbelasting en boedelberedderingskostes betaal?
- Kontrolelys vir jou testament
- Checklist for your will
- Wills and Testament Summary
- Will my ex-spouse still inherit in terms of my will after our divorce?
- Wie behoort ek as trustees van my minderjarige kinders se trust te benoem?
- Wie behoort ek as eksekuteur van my boedel te benoem?
- Who should I appoint as trustee of the trust for my minor children?
- Who should I appoint as guardians of my minor children?
- Who should I appoint as executor of my estate?
- When will a document intended to be a will, be recognised by our courts as a valid will?
- When last did you check your will?
- What should be in my will?
- What is a usufruct?
- What formalities have to be complied with when a will is signed?
- What documents and information do I need to report a deceased estate? Which documents should I keep with my will?
- What are the duties of the trustees?
- Wat behoort ek as vrou te weet van my regte as langslewende gade?
- Should I register a family trust?
- Should I register a family trust now or rather provide for a testamentary trust in my will?
- Should I discuss my will with my heirs?
- Should I bequeath specific assets to specific heirs?
- Should I appoint an additional executor in my will for foreign assets?
- Ons verwag ons eerste kind. Kan ons in ons testament voorsiening maak vir die kind?
- My seun het ‘n baie riskante besigheid en ondervind tans finansiële probleme. Hoe kan ek seker maak dat sy erfporsie nie in sy insolvente boedel val indien hy op datum van my afsterwe insolvent sou wees?
- Moet ek 'n onafhanklike trustee aanstel?
- Kontrolelys vir jou testament
- Kan ek in my testament vervangende trustees vir my familie trust benoem?
- Kan 'n langslewende gade onderhoud van 'n bestorwe boedel eis waar sy deur haar kinders ondersteun word?
- Kan 'n eiendom, wat deur bedrog bekom is, behou word?
- Is estate duty payable where the surviving spouse inherits everything?
- Is daar boedelbelasting betaalbaar waar die langslewende gade alles erf?
- Is a will drafted by someone else, but in accordance with your oral instructions, valid?
- I am married out of community of property with the accrual system. How does the accrual system influence the drafting of my will?
- I am married in community of property. Do the assets of the surviving spouse also form part of the deceased estate?
- I am married for a second time and have children from my first marriage. How can I provide for my children in my will land also leave something to my spouse?
- How do I use a family trust for estate planning?
- Ek is vir ‘n tweede keer getroud en het kinders uit my eerste huwelik. Hoe kan ek vir die kinders in my testament sorg en ook iets aan my gade nalaat?
- Ek is buite gemeenskap van goedere met die aanwas bedeling getroud. Hoe beïnvloed die aanwasbedeling die opstel van my testament?
- Ek is binne gemeenskap van goedere getroud. Val die langslewende gade se bates ook in die bestorwe boedel?
- Do you have to appoint an independent outsider as co-trustee?
- Die oorledene se oorspronklike testament is verlore. Wat nou?
- Behoort ek spesifieke bates aan spesifieke erfgename te bemaak?
- Behoort ek nou ‘n familie trust te registreer of eerder gebruik te maak van ‘n testamentêre trust?
- Behoort ek my testament met my erfgename te bespreek?
- Is a contract of sale signed by a trustee acting without authority valid?
- Can a contract be signed on behalf of a trust still to be registered?
- Wanneer kan ‘n voog ‘n plaasvervanger in ‘n testament benoem?
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