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Category - Law of delict


Navigating Consumer Rights: Remedies for Defective Motor Vehicles
Virtual Commissioning of Affidavits
E-Mail Interception – Who Bears the Consequences?
A municipality’s obligation to provide temporary accommodation to evictees.
Injuries at the gym – can I sue?
Squatter rights - is the municipality entitled to demolish informal settlements?
Is a landlord obliged to provide alternative accommodation when evicting someone?
Can I claim my medical aid expenses from the Road Accident Fund?
Can the State be held liable for a 5-year-old child injured whilst playing in a jungle gym at pre-school?
Much needed relief for parents buying school uniforms
SLAPP defence: David beats Goliath
Will trusts for incapacitated persons cease to exist?
Stuntwoman severely injured on motorbike when boom does not lift, sues film company and RAF (PODCAST)
Defective motor vehicle and the Consumer Protection Act
Can I consent to my own injuries?
Is your customary marriage registered?
Can you evict adult non-dependant children from a farm?
Expired firearm licence update
Strict liability attaches to the owner for the behaviour of their animal.
Can organs of state be defamed?
Who is liable for damages suffered on school premises?
Medical Negligence
Action De Pauperie - dog owners beware, no fault is required for liability
The sad truth about the drowning of a minor
Actio de Feris and the defence of provocation: Van der Westhuzen v Burger
Dog owners beware: litigation bites too!
Wat is 'n Anton Piller-bevel?
When can the SAPS be sued for damages suffered by crime victims?
When can I be held liable for someone hurt while using the steps of my building?
What rights does my neighbour have? What does it mean to have the right to unimpeded enjoyment of your land?
Wat is die belangrikste regsbeginsels ten opsigte van die aanspreeklikheid van beheerliggame en openbare skole?
Wat het die hof ten opsigte van laster bevind in die bekende hofsaak tussen Delta Motorkorporasie (Edms) Bpk en Jaco van der Merwe?
Kan ek uitkontrakteur uit my eie nalatigheid?
Do I have a duty to make my building safe?
Kan ‘n verhuurder op ‘n derde party se bates op die huurperseel beslag lê vir agterstallige huur?
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