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Category - Law of contract


Invalid contract? You can still get payment!
Can A Private Party Terminate an Agreement to Supply Electricity to A Community?
A municipality’s obligation to provide temporary accommodation to evictees.
Does a purchaser have rights against a voetstoots clause?
Secure Your Love: The Importance of Drafting a Cohabitation Agreement for Unmarried Couples
Is it worth paying an Attorney to draft a Contract?
What happens to my company shares after I die? The importance of buy and sell agreements
Settlement agreements and freedom of testation – what you need to know
Are landlords obliged to provide backup power during loadshedding?
Can an employee unilaterally withdraw his or her resignation?
Moonlighting Or Side Hustles In South Africa
Can I cancel an agreement by email?
What every employer and employee should know about unfair dismissal
Be careful of signing suretyship (PODCAST)
Can I dismiss my employee for refusing to sign a new contract?
Is a restraint of trade still enforceable? PODCAST
Options v Rights of first refusal
Labour Appeal Court Rules That Depression Is Not An Excuse For Employee’s Misconduct
Can I sign my sale agreement with DocuSign?
17 interesting facts and tips on sale of land agreements
17 interesting facts and tips on marriage contracts
Wat is ‘n domicilium adres?
A voetstoots clause and a leaking roof
What mistakes are often made with filling in contracts of sale of the property?
What is the effect of a suspensive condition in an agreement of sale?
What is a 'rouwkoop' clause?
What does the doctrine of fictional fulfilment mean for the purchaser who fails to obtain a bond?
What does real rights of extension in a sectional title scheme entail?
What are the most important legal principles in respect of suspensive conditions?
Wat is 'n rouwkoop?
Wat gebeur as die koper of verkoper voor registrasie van die oordrag tot sterwe kom?
Wanneer kan die verkoper die kontrak kanselleer waar die koper versuim om die koopprys te betaal?
Kan ‘n koper kan afstand doen van ‘n opskortende voorwaarde ten opsigte van ‘n lening?
Is agentekommissie voorgeskryf of slegs ‘n riglyn, m.a.w. mag die agent meer vra as wat voorgeskryf word? Kan dit ‘n kontrak ongeldig maak?
Is a standard form contract of sale not completed throughly valid?
Is a contract of sale signed by a trustee acting without authority valid?
Double sales: who wins?
Does the “voetstoots” clause cover latent defects that the seller was aware of?
Do I always have to use the title deed description of the property in the contract?
Can blank pages in a contract lead to its invalidity?
Can a purchaser renounce the benefit of a suspensive condition that a loan must be obtained before a certain date?
Can a contract be signed on behalf of a trust still to be registered?
Can a contract be signed on behalf of a company or a close corporation still to be registered?
When can the landlord charge interest on arrear rental and at what rate?
When can the landlord cancel a contract of lease?
What is the effect of a “voetstoots clause” in a contract of sale?
Is an oral agreement of lease valid?
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