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Category - Labour Law


Can My Employer Force Me to Take a Lie Detector Test?
Changes to South Africa's retirement fund system you need to know
Men Are Also Entitled To The Same Maternity Leave Benefits
Can an employer use scab labour in response to a strike?
Employer’s Vicarious Liability For Criminal Conduct Of An Employee
Legislature takes a step in the right direction to protect the rights of domestic workers.
Unfair Dismissals in South Africa: Lessons Learned in Court
Gardening Leave: The Pros and Cons for Employers and Employees
Is a restraint of trade enforceable after the sale of a business?
Is a 4-day work week feasible in South Africa?
Can an employee unilaterally withdraw his or her resignation?
Moonlighting Or Side Hustles In South Africa
Employers can now dismiss employees who refuse to get the covid-19 vaccine!
Can the employer dismiss an employee for refusing to testify?
What You Need To Know As A Subcontractor During Covid-19
What every employer and employee should know about unfair dismissal
Stolen items gets one person fired, but no one else involved was (PODCAST)
Can my employer force me to get a Covid-19 vaccine?
Can an employee be dismissed over threatening Facebook posts degrading their employer?
Can I dismiss my employee for refusing to sign a new contract?
Are you entitled to severance pay where you have been retrenched after your retirement age?
Do domestic workers and gardeners have the same rights as other employees?
Retrenchment and Covid-19
Is a restraint of trade still enforceable? PODCAST
Labour Appeal Court Rules That Depression Is Not An Excuse For Employee’s Misconduct
Practical Tips for CCMA Cases
National minimum wage
Duty of employers to prevent sexual harassment at the workplace
No Fidelity Fund certificate: no commission & no valid contract
Constitutional Court seals the fate of labour brokers
Basic guidelines to unfair dismissal
Basic guidelines to unfair dismissal
When is payment of my commission due and payable to me by my employer?
Kan ‘n werknemer ontslaan word deur sy werkgewer omdat hy in ‘n homoseksuele verhouding betrokke is?
Can employers arrange HIV-tests for their employees?
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