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Category - Commercial Law


Body Corporate Rule Contravention: Can the Levy Clearance Certificate be withheld?
What happens to my company shares after I die? The importance of buy and sell agreements
Is a restraint of trade enforceable after the sale of a business?
Tips on wills and succession planning for business owners
Is a restraint of trade still enforceable? PODCAST
Options v Rights of first refusal
Rent due: a creditors nightmare
The duties and liabilities of company directors
When is payment of my commission due and payable to me by my employer?
What does “Offer + Acceptance = a Contract” mean?
When must VAT, transfer duty and capital gains tax be paid to SARS on the sale of immovable property?
I would like to buy a business. Should I buy the shares of the company owning the business or rather the business itself?
Is kapitaalwinsbelasting by die afsterwe van die eienaar van kapitale bates betaalbaar?
What is the effect of a suspensive condition in an agreement of sale?
What is a 'rouwkoop' clause?
Wat is die relevansie van artikel 34 van die Insolvensiewet by die verkoop van ‘n eiendom wat ‘n inkomste verdien?
Should the seller insist on a surety from the representative of a company, close corporation or trust?
Can a contract be signed on behalf of a company or a close corporation still to be registered?
Wie is die redelike man?
What does the Consumer Protection Act provide for?
Waar kan ‘n verbruiker kla?
Is ‘n versekeringsmaatskappy verplig om ‘n lewenspolis uit te betaal waar die oorledene onder die invloed van drank bestuur het en in ‘n motorongeluk gedood is?
Will the members of a close corporation be personally liable where it is deregistered?
When must close corporations or companies lodge annual returns?
What is the difference between a close corporation, a company and a trust?
Watter beskerming bied die Maatskappyewet vir minderheidsaandeelhouers?
Can a sharholder force the company to provide him with the company’s books of account?
Kan ‘n lid persoonlik aanspreeklik gehou word waar hy ‘n BK bedrieglike bestuur ?
Wat beteken die beginsel dat die herstel van besit by 'n grondeis ekonomies vatbaar moet wees?
Wat bepaal die die Wet op die Finansiële Intelligensiesentrum 2001, Wet 38 van 2001?
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